Share your photos and videos
You can share your photos and videos quickly and easily for your friends and family to see.
1. Take a photo, or record a video.
2. On the start screen, tap Photos, browse to your photo or video, and tap it.
3. Tap , select how you want to share, and follow the instructions.
Tip: To share several photos or videos at once, tap , select the photos or videos, and
tap .
Tip: To access your photos from all your devices, you can set up uploading to
OneDrive. The OneDrive album is then available in the Photos hub when you view your
photos. To set up the feature, on the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen,
and tap ALL SETTINGS > photos+camera. Under Auto upload, tap OneDrive, and
select an option.
Using services or downloading content, including free items, may cause the transfer of large
amounts of data, which may result in data costs.
Not all sharing services support all file formats or videos recorded in high quality.